Tecknolab, the data management innovation startup
Cloud, BigData & Analytics for maximizing business value
Our data efficiency technology and managed Business Intelligence service (InfoRoot) are created to add data value with no complexity.
Intelligent data management
Our solutions are designed for a Cloud efficient data management with minimum efforts, increasing agility.
Applying data analytics techniques we help to transit from legacy on-prem apps in bigdata scenarios without complexity.



In Tecknolab we have in our own company name…
…the three pillars of our vision:

We live and breath technology as the core company asset. Our mission is provide technology to make data management simpler in the new Cloud era.

We work with large datasets and use the techniques and state-of-the-art capabilities to provide to our customers information from data, adding as much value as possible.

Innovation (Lab)
We are cloud native without any legacy process or technology reducing efficiency and value. Working with the most advanced engineering processes to foster agility, maximizing results.
Contact with us
E-mail: info@tecknolab.com
Phone: +1 888-527-1980
HQ Address: Av. España 17 2ª Of.1
Parque Empresarial Dolce Vita
28100 Alcobendas – Madrid
Copyright © 2020 Tecknolab | All rights reserved